Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extractions
Wisdom teeth are the teeth located at the back of the jawbone. They can appear in 3 different positions depending on their relationship with the jawbone:
Erupted: If there is attached gum around it and it is functional with the opposing tooth, extraction is not required.
Semi-buried: In cases where wisdom teeth cannot erupt fully and remain semi-buried under the gums, food residues accumulate in the relevant area and cause redness, swelling, bleeding and bad breath. Extraction of teeth in this situation is appropriate.
Fully impacted: This is a situation where wisdom teeth are positioned under the bone and surgical extraction (stitched) is required.
Apart from these situations, wisdom teeth may be in close relationship with the nerve passing through the lower jaw. This situation is detected by radiographs and the risk of temporary/permanent numbness that may occur after tooth extraction is evaluated and the patient is informed.
Extraction of wisdom teeth is performed under local anesthesia, meaning it is painless. Problem-free recovery occurs when the conditions that need to be taken into consideration after the procedure are followed.